Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Might be a good time for some light humor. Our little corner of the world is only a few blocks in extent. Yet it's incorporated and has its own government, of sorts, and local traditions. One of the latter is the annual "Party-in-the-Park." The "Park" is a left-over piece of real estate, too small to support a house but big enough for social events. The park and the party started out 20 years ago, or so, and both were unprepossessing. Lately, both have become dramatically more substantial. The park has a new picket fence, a gazebo (with lights), a couple of benches, and pretty nice plantings. The party has become an extravaganza spead out on nearby streets, with lots of catered food, a big assortment of beverages, and an all-you-can eat opportunity from a Good Humor truck. We get to eat using tables and chairs and entertainment is plentiful. This year's event had a high-class juggler, Jeff Civilaco, one of the funniest I've seen. The photos below show me participating in part of the act. He assembled a tall unicycle on the tiny stage and used it and two volunteers -- me and another guy -- as props. He made a big deal about climbing up us to get on it, and nearly falling of course. In the end, he cycled a bit, and juggled above our heads.

The photos were scanned from prints given us by our neighbors across the street.

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