Saturday, January 08, 2005

Vonnegut's Golden Arm

Julia got many Vonnegut novels for Christmas. So.... Here's a link to a review by him in the Guardian showing his appreciation for Nelson Algren. {The image at left is of Algren, not Vonnegut.}
Funny side of the street

Saturday January 1, 2005
The Guardian

"According to the diary of my wife Jill Krementz, the photographer, the young British-Indian novelist Salman Rushdie came to our house in Sagaponack, Long Island, for lunch on May 9, 1981. His excellent novel Midnight's Children had just been published in the United States, and he told us that the most intelligent review had been written by Nelson Algren, a man he would like to meet. I replied that we knew Algren, since Jill had photographed him several times and he and I had been teachers at the Writers' Workshop of the University of Iowa back in 1965, when we were both dead broke and I was 43 and he was 56. I said, too, that Algren was one of the few writers I knew who was really funny in conversation."

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