Sunday, March 20, 2005

Four tenors and a pony

I forget how I first happened to see Barrie Maguire's art. I think someone included this Joyce image on his blog. He, Maguire, does paintings and prints, mostly of Ireland and Irish subjects. There's an introduction to himself and the work at Meet Barrie Maguire

Maguire says:
I'm a child of the 50s who went off to Notre Dame to worship Football.  Before I knew it I was married and working as an Art Director at a big Advertising Agency.... In 1998, after a magical first visit to Ireland, I began painting for the first time since college.  Ireland captured me... and I've been painting the Irish people, animals, and green patchwork quilt countryside ever since....I am not the Barry McGuire who sang "Eve of Destruction."  Neither am I the McGwire who hit 70 homeruns, nor the Barry who hit 700.

He's done series called Ireland & the Irish, Listowel Horse Fair, Burren Sketches, The Irish Quilts, and, not surprisingly, Irish Writers. I particlarly like this photo of Maguire and the subjects of this last, his "four tenors."

Because I can't resist and because she's about to return to Towson, here, for Julia, a Listowel Pony, by Maguine:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Pony! The fluffy foot kind!

    <3, Julia
