Sunday, September 04, 2005

Jabbor Gibson

Photo source:
This photo shows Jabbor Gibson with his commandeered bus and its passengers.

There are lots of news and blog accounts about Jabbor's feat; you probably aleady know about this. Here's a short summary from KRGVTV:

Eighteen-year-old Jabbor Gibson jumped aboard the bus as it sat abandoned on a street in New Orleans and took control.

“I just took the bus and drove all the way here…seven hours straight,’ Gibson admitted. “I hadn’t ever drove a bus.”

The teen packed it full of complete strangers and drove to Houston. He beat thousands of evacuees slated to arrive there.

“It’s better than being in New Orleans,” said fellow passenger Albert McClaud, “we want to be somewhere where we’re safe.”

A blog called Tattered Coat has a pointer to this and other stories of this morning.

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