Saturday, December 31, 2005

traffic conditions

This blog isn't publicized outside the family, but it's freely available on the internet. Every now and then I check traffic to see whether anyone's visiting at all. Checking today, I noticed an upward blip in access last fall. From mere handfulls in the early summer visits jumped above 100 (140-180) over Aug, Sep. and Oct. I think the sudden increase in interest was at least partly caused by a mention in another blog. The blog is Jennifer Ehle by "Jennite." It's subtitled "A fan blog with daily news and links about actress Jennifer Ehle." The mention came in a post on August 25: Skip if sensitive. Jennite said, "There's an interesting photo comparison of actresses who have played Elizabeth at Secondat."

This linkage is unusual. During an exchange of emails Tim Spaulding, who who runs LibraryThing, wrote me a while back to say he didn't understand why I'd write a blog for only a few people. I didn't have a ready answer, but I'm content with it.

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