Wednesday, January 25, 2006

underbar musik - perfekt på jobbet

I like a little background music at work but nothing that intrudes if I can help it. After some experimentation, I've settled on two internet radio stations, both classical and both from the far north of Europe: NRK Alltid Klassisk from Norway and Sveriges Radio, SR Klassiskt, from Sweden. They play music that I like (classical chamber works as often as not, with quite a bit of art song -- lieder -- both familiar and interestingly new). It's important that there's little talk and all of it in languages that (a) I don't understand and (b) aren't distracting -- I mean they're not so different from English as to attract my attention nor so close that I'm tempted to figure out what's being said.

I listen the the Norwegian station over Viddiplayer as default and switch to the Swedish one if there's a connection difficulty or I don't like current programming.

They both have lots of different music on offer. Here's a bit more about the Swedish station:

The SR Klassiskt is almost entirely in Swedish, but there's one bit of translation. The station describes itself as: "Classical music from Swedish Radio. Around the clock and worldwide. A selection of 500 years of outstanding hits as well as the lesser known." There's a page that lists current and immediate past selections: Spellistor/Playlists.

Other programing includes humor, sports, rock, hip hop, pop, jazz, folk, news, history, local stations, and quite a bit that I can't figure out.

This is the header banner for SR Klassiskt:

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