Friday, July 14, 2006

Joost video clips

The RaboBank website has a bunch of short video clips of interviews with Joost. The most interesting one shows him in a hotel room the morning after he won the white jersey for best young rider. It shows him trying on the short-sleeve jersey and the long-sleeve over-jersey. He's his usual smiling self. This is it: Dekker's Journal 1 July. As you can see, it's a report, by Joost's roommate Erik Dekker. An encounter with a spectator caused Dekker to crash in Stage 3, fracturing his collarbone. Up 'til then he and Joost roomed together. Dekker had begun a daily report in a video clip, which Joost has since taken over. That accounts for most of the entries in the following list.

Here are some others from the Rabo site:
- Posthuma cannot enjoy the beautiful surroundings
- Posthuma with moderate legs in escape
- Posthuma escaped with 15 riders
- a final flat stage for Posthuma
- Posthuma's Journal: 10 July
- Posthuma's Journal: 9 July
- Posthuma's Journal: 8 July
- Posthuma's Journal: 7 July
- Posthuma's Dagboek: Toch wakker worden met Dekker
- Posthuma starts in the white jersey
- Posthuma's Dagboek: Joost Replaces Erik
- Flits 1: Lang aan kop, Posthuma goed
- stage report: Posthuma catches the white jersey

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