Monday, July 16, 2007

jungle book story

A favorite blog, Corriente Textual, has a post today on a 2-CD set of symphonic songs by Charles Koechlin from Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book.

The blog's author, Alan, provides a link for downloading the music. I hadn't known this piece before; am listening now and like it much.


A family member is performing in a children's theater production of portions of The Jungle Book. Links to articles and announcements: here, here, here, and here.

And, outside the theater following the opening performance of this production, I found my first Bookcrossing book, which, naturally, was a paperback copy of The Jungle Book. Bookcrosser, MaryZee, says she left it "on the stairs (abandoned), after the audience had left. (Well, the performers and a few patrons were still inside at a theatre workshop.) Hoping someone will pick it up." (I did!)

Kipling was a powerful story teller who influenced Rosemary Sutcliff's writing. I love almost everything that they both wrote.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, want to write thanks, and it's a nice post, I'm glad.
