{modern photo of La Viaine in Rennes; source: flickr}

{a modern photo of same; source: wikipedia}

{a painting of same; source: images-chapitre}

{modern photo of this street; source: picasaweb}

{modern photo of this gate, taken from the other side; source: visoterra}

{modern photo of this street; source flickr}

{modern photo showing the same church from a different angle; source: panoramio}

{another view of Rue de Tambour; source: culture.gouv.fr}
Note: for more postcards of German-bombed Reims see Reims during 1914-1918

{modern photo of the Rhein at Honnef; source: seminaris.de}

{modern photo of Wordsworth's home; source: picturesofengland.com}

{modern photo of facade along Rue Désiré le Hoc; I'm surprised that there are no modern photos of this lovely intersection; maybe it has been replaced; source: tiscali.co}

{my postcard photo was taken in front of Berlin's Cafe Schön; this is another old postcard of an auto-bus outside the café; source: antik-falkensee.de}

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