Friday, January 18, 2008


About 100 people visit this blog each day and more than two-thirds land here as a result of an image search. The web is good for images. My fondness for them isn't eccentric.

So it's good news that Flickr now has images from among the millions in the collections of the Library of Congress. The collection went up earlier this week and has already become one of the most popular destinations on the site.

To accompany the images meme of the previous post, I thought I'd mine the LC photos on flickr so see which were made in the year of my birth. Here are only a few of the many -- a hundred or so -- from that year:

Some photos taken in 1942 from Library of Congress' photos on flickr. Click image to view full size. About them, LC says:
These vivid color photos from the Great Depression and World War II capture an era generally seen only in black-and-white. Photographers working for the United States Farm Security Administration (FSA) and later the Office of War Information (OWI) created the images between 1939 and 1944.


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