Thursday, January 22, 2009

inauguration photos

{Source: The Big Picture on, photo by Jason Reed, Reuters; this copyrighted image is reproduced under fair-use provisions of copyright law.}

The Inauguration of President Barack Obama

Alan Taylor and those who work with him on The Big Picture web page at have outdone themselves. This is a very good set of photographs.

I particularly like the following ones:

3 - GeoEye Satellite Image. This shows the Capitol west to the Washington Monument.

18 - The Rev. Joseph Lowery gives the benediction

19 - US Army Command Sgt. Maj. Julia Kelley. She weeps as she watches the inauguration of US President Barack Obama at Camp Liberty in Baghdad.

23 - Vertie Hodge. She weeps during an Inauguration Day party near Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. in Houston.

25 - President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle stand with former US president George W. Bush and Laura Bush on the steps of the US Capitol

36 - President Barack Obama signs his first act as president. It's a proclamation declaring a national day of renewal and reconciliation and calling on Americans to serve one another.

40 - U.S. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama walk in the inaugural parade

42 - U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Bill Mesta. He's replacing an official picture of outgoing President George W. Bush with that of newly-sworn-in U.S. President Barack Obama, in the lobby of the headquarters of the U.S. Naval Base January 20, 2009 in Guantanamo Bay.

46 - U.S. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama dance their first dance at the Neighborhood Inaugural Ball. This is the one I've reproduced at top.

The comments are worth scanning as well. There are many of them and they come from many places throughout the US and the rest of the world. A few are nasty. Some are pessimistic. But most are jubilant and show a cheering hopefulness. Here's a small sample:

Comments on The Big Picture's Inauguration Photos
1. Fantastic photos once again. It's an exciting time for America right now, if not the world. Posted by Jason January 21, 09 12:36 PM

13. He's our hope, too. Federico (from Italy)

23. the world is watching us more then ever now, i really hope we dont letthem down again. Posted by 66577 January 21, 09 12:53 PM

34. What a fantastic perspective these photos give us of our place in the world. They brings tears to my eyes. Welcome back. Posted by Claudia Chang

35. "It's an exciting time for America right now, if not the world." Posted by Oliver - Brasil

41. The collection of photos is down right perfect. Certainly, this is why it's so great to be human. Posted by Kloche

137. Ca c'est vraiment fantastique. Congratulations President OBAMA!!! Je choisis d'ecrire ton nom en lettre d'or. Pour la premiere fois dans l'Histoire du monde, "Un noir elu president des Etats-Unis". Martin Lutherking devrait etre vivant ce jour-la. Posted by Ijchade

158. @21 the wrist band is a KIA (Killed In Action) bracelet. It is a common way for service members and family members to memorialize their fallen brothers and sisters, particularly for OIF and OEF. President Obama wears a bracelet given to him by the mother of Sgt. Ryan David Jopek, who was killed in 2006 by a roadside bomb. Posted by Dan

175. IT NOT A JOKE!!!
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Gorbachev calls on Obama to carry out ''perestroika'' in the U.S.

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has said that the Obama administration in the United States needs far-reaching 'perestroika' reforms to overcome the financial crisis and restore balance in the world.
The term perestroika, meaning restructuring, was used by Gorbachev in the late 1980s to describe a series of reforms that abolished state planning in the Soviet Union.
In an interview with Italy's La Stampa published on Friday, Gorbachev said President-elect Barack Obama needs to fundamentally change the misguided course followed by President George W. Bush over the past eight years.
Gorbachev said that after transforming his country in the late 1980s, he had told the Americans that it was their turn to act, but that Washington, celebrating its Cold War victory, was not interested in "a new model of a society, where politics, economics and morals went hand in hand."
He said the Republicans have failed to realize that the Soviet Union no longer exists, that Europe has changed, and that new powers like China, Brazil and Mexico have emerged as important players on the world stage.
He told the paper that the world is waiting for Obama to act, and that the White House needs to restore trust in cooperation with the United States among the Russians.
Posted by Snton
187. I didn't sleep nearly all night for watching the live - televised of Obama Inauguration ceremony on Phoenix Satellite TV . The scence was spectacular , President Obama's manner is charming and handsome , his speeches was inspiring and meaningful . Hereby congratulations Obama to be 44th president of the United States and may he lead the America to a prosperous and bright future ! Posted by Yue Guomin

188. We liberated Chinese envy you unliberated American. Posted by lmanpig

318. I did not vote for President Obama. However, yesterday, I could not have been more proud of being an American. I do not care what color one categorizes him to be; call him the color of the rainbow for that is what he demonstrated by the Inauguration speech he gave quite eloquently. All of America should be proud, if only for the unity demonstrated by the crowds on the Washington Mall, even if you voted for John McCain. President Obama had the class and grace to commend Senator McCain for his service to our country, just prior to his swearing into office. President Obama is a class act. Hooray for America. Posted by Julie

327. Todo el mundo esta a la expectativa de que tenga un gran desempeño en su mandato, pero necesitara de la ayuda de Dios y el mundo entero, Felicidades!!! siempre espero las imagenes de este sitio, son vedaderamente increibles. Que dios bendiga a America y a los Americanos. Posted by Fernando

340. I cried like a little baby because I never thought it would happen in my years of living I thought it was going to happen when my children's children children generation. I want to know how do the poor people help. What can we do the low income people us who live in the projects how can we help. Posted by ppjctlouisianahood

369. The US election was held at the same time as our own here in New Zealand. But I was far more interested in what went on in the US, and the effect this would have on the world. Now that President Obama is in power, it's time for him to set to work and achieve everything he has promised. The new President Obama has inspired a nation, and the world, to have hope, to look forward and be a positive force for change. That hope can clearly be seen in these photos. In the face of each and every person. Posted by @rachel_a

381. thank you for these pics.....obama is great and i m a great fan of obama.........
now the change has come to the world........
mandy D
student B.TECH (ECE)

394. I congratulate all Americans on a worthy choice. I hope, it will be the continuer of politics of Mikhail Gorbachyov. Posted by Genrietta Kalmarovna Mudakova

432. This is the dawn of a new era in american and world politics. President Obama is the right man to lead the United States and the world at this juncture in an uncertain and troubled time. His humanity shines through and generates good will in the citizens of the world. No, he can't solve all the world's problems, but he has the goodwill of the citizens of the world. That is a healthy starting point. Good Luck Mr President and may you have the wisdom and humility to lead . Posted by Dele, London. UK

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