Friday, November 13, 2009


I saw this image on IvanZero, a Soup blog I follow. The author credited a tumbler blog called Whiteday Dreams and also listed the source: ルーク.チャン.チ ャン, who turns out to be a Hong Kong guy named Luke Chan who earns his living as a designer. Luke calls the image Blossom.

I wondered whether the image came from a greeting card or some other printed source, but Luke links to both the original photo he made and to the source of the texture layer he used, so it's obvious that he prepared the composite himself.

Here's the source photo:

And here's the texture by itself:

It's called "We The People" and it's by Jerry Jones from his set of flickr pages which he calls skeletalmess.

Luke Chan is good with a camera. His subjects are like most of ours: friends, family, interesting things seen, and travel shots, but he's got a knack for doing them well. The Blossoms photo is part of a little series of flower images that he took recently in London. He says, "Those flower decorations along the shops in street of London is magnificent."

This photo shows some of his photographic skill. It's a simple snapshot taken as a test of a new point-and-shoot camera he was trying out, but its composition and light values are unusually striking. He calls the photo "CX1 test" and modestly says of it "in fact, CX1 is pretty good."

Jerry Jones doesn't just do textures, but his texture images are interesting. Here are a couple.

He calls this "Rust Never Sleeps."

This one is called "Chaos 2."

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