Friday, February 26, 2010

extraordinary finds

If you don't know about the blog, Ordinary Finds, you should. Its author, Bent Sorensen gives celebrates the cultural milestones of each day — the day's births of artists, photographers, musicians, writers, and actors along with the works for which they're known. The blog's posts give vivid images of the creators and their works. There is in it both beauty and enlightenment.

Here are recent images. Visit the blog to read their descriptions and explanations.

Bent is a professor in the English Dept of Denmark's Aalborg Universitet. He has another blog, A rare, rare find..., "cultural studies — all day, every day which is more text heavy. Ordinary Finds is more visual with just enough text to establish the context for each entry.

{Bent Sorensen; from his rare find blog}

{another photo of the man from his academic home page}

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that terrific write-up - much appreciated! Good to become acquainted with your erudite blog, as well...

    All best,
