Here is a link to the page of cassette images:
Cassette Jam '05
※Project C-90
Here are some samples from the page:

"You have to study a great deal to know a little."
Pensees et Fragments Inedits de Montesquieu
I've done a set of posts reproducing parts of this diary and giving notes on people, places, and events that it names. The author was an aristocrat in England writing just before the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War. Married to an ambitious politician who opposed the government's coercive actions leading up to that rebellion, she was an articulate, self-confident, and intellgent witness to the major events and lesser incidents of her time. Here are links the posts: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh. I've also done the following posts giving what little I can surmise about her from reading the diary, the biography in which it's reproduced, and the few other sources that refer to her: Diary of Lady Shelburne -- Une belle Ladi Sensée, Diary of Lady Shelburne -- The Life of Sophie and William, and Diary of Lady Shelburne - Thomas Coulican Phoenix.
just wonderful
Wow, those are neat! CDs really don't compare aesthetically speaking. CDs definitely don't have this kind of character, nor do I think they are capable of achieving it. I often find myself falling into the mindset that "newer is always better" when it comes to technology, but it's good to remember that there's always an element of loss when an old form of technology is superceded. I prefer the look of older TVs, with their fake wood and knobs, to the sleek aero-dynamic look of newer TVs as well. They last longer too.
On a related note: Long Live Sega Genesis!
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