Lysistrata liveFor updates, search a news site for "cross legged strike." Here's a recent account from Ekklesia
Posted by Bill Benzon on 09/25/06 at 05:37 AM
As Satchmo used to say, it's one of those old time good ones.Colombian sex strike forces gangsters to sheathe weapons
Sarah Baxter
A SEX strike organised by the girlfriends of gang members in one of Colombia's most violent cities to protest against a wave of murders has been hailed as a success by the local security chief.
The action became known in the Colombian media as the "crossed-leg strike" because of the women's refusal to have sex with their men until they promised to give up violence.
After 10 days of abstinence the women of Pereira were said by the security chief to have proved that they could win their battle with "very noble weapons".
I thought of this when I saw this image on The Wooster Collective. It suggests to me that the crossed-legged strike provides some comic relief but as a tactic for curbing violence it hasn't much promise.

The artist is Humeux and the wall art appears somewhere in the Netherlands.

One more turn of thought: This unforgettable image from the streets of Baghdad comes from an article in the Guardian on the level of violence in Iraq. The article quotes Bob Woodward as saying there is now an attack every 15 minutes.

The caption reads: "Pools of blood on the streets of central Baghdad after car bombs exploded. Photo: Ahmad Al-Rubaye/Getty"
1 comment:
This is in regards your Sept. 6th, 2006, update.
Notice how precipitiously gas prices have fallen lately? Instead of crying, just find a way to bet that gas will immediately go right back up following the Nov. elections.
Then expect gas to stay high 'til Jan. of '09 when the next prez is sworn in.
Great blog by the way; nice variety; I'm an ex-bicyclist because of where I now live (bad roads, no bike paths). You don't know how lucky you are that you have a nice 9 mile bikeable commute.
Cheers! BTW, email me here in a few weeks; I always seem to forget about cool blogs like yours. I'm herbie at herboverstreet dot com or
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